
1. Freelancer

Once you register as a freelancer you will have access to the freelancer dashboard.

From here you have the ability to do the following:

  1. View and edit your user profile.
  2. View and edit your freelancer profile.
  3. View jobs.
    1. Give proposals for the jobs.
    2. Withdraw your proposals.
    3. Post work for completed jobs.
    4. Rate clients after completing a job.
  4. View jobs you have given proposals to (My jobs).

All of the above functionality can be accessed via the sidebar.

1 a. How to give a proposal

  1. From the `all jobs` page, select a job.
  2. Click on the `proposal` button and fill in the form.
  3. Wait for the client to accept/reject your proposal.
  4. You can also choose to withdraw the proposal.
  5. Once accepted, you can begin working on the job.

1 b. How to complete a job and rate a freelancer

  1. From the `my jobs` page, select a job.
  2. Click on the `submissions/ratings` button and fill in the form to submit your work.
  3. Wait for the freelancer to accept or reject the work.
  4. You can then proceed to rate the freelancer.

2. Client

Once you register as a client, you will access the client dashboard.

From here you have the ability to do the following:

  1. View and edit your user profile.
  2. View and edit your freelancer profile.
  3. View your jobs.
    1. View proposals given to your jobs.
      1. Accept/reject proposals.
    2. View work for completed jobs.
    3. Rate freelancers after completing a job.
  4. Post jobs.
  5. View freelancers.

All of the above functionality can be accessed via the sidebar.

2 a. How to post a job

  1. Click on post job on the sidebar.
  2. Fill in the job details.
  3. Wait to receive proposals from freelancers.

2 b. How to view proposals

  1. From a job, click on `view proposals`.
  2. Click on a proposal to accept/reject it. You can only accept one proposal.

2 c. How to see work for a completed job and rate freelancer

  1. From a job, click on `review and complete`.
  2. You will see the work if the freelancer has completed the work.
  3. Accept/reject the work and proceed to rate the freelancer.